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Applicant Tracking Software

An applicant tracking system (ATS) is a system which helps recruiters and employers to track candidates throughout the hiring process

What is Applicant tracking software?

ATS is a pipeline, which helps recruiters to manage candidate statuses and CV more efficiently, beneficial for all types of recruitments, including independent recruiters, SMEs or big enterprise hiring teams.

Benefits of having an ATS

Candidate experience is the most optimal way to enhance company reputation within the recruitment market. With the effective ATS, recruiters now can track candidates on every step, which means candidate now can:

  • Apply online and receive timely response
  • Pick a time by self-service interview scheduling
  • Proactively engage with recruiting teams through regular communication to keep both candidate and recruiter informed and aligned
  • Receive quick feedback from each interview/test rounds

Streamline communication between recruitment team, employers and supervisors with multiple benefits, including: 

  • Track candidate one-by-one with transparent information
  • Send and receive HR recruitment request with all details needed in one-click
  • Improve recruitment rate by quick report exported with highlighted facts
  • Track CV sources, to optimize recruitment costs
  • Benchmark candidate qualification and salary range for each position

How ATS works

Beside basic criterias below, the must-have functionalities of Applicant tracking system include:

  • Sort and filter candidates based on their positions and statuses 
  • Quick reports to improve hiring process quality
  • Streamline data flow to optimize HR onboarding process
  • Automated conversation with candidate: online application portals, email alerts, interview reminders…

Setting up ATS

The good news is, ATS can now be set up no-code, which means any manager can create one themselves, without needing support from the IT team, which gives them more flexibility and adaptability to their workflow.

Learn more on the recommended ATS columns as below: 

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) columns

  • Categorized by Position
  • Applicant information includes: Name, Phone number, Email
  • Relevant documents: CV, Cover letter
  • Application source
  • Application Date
  • Interview Date
  • Status: Test, Interview, Offer, Contract
  • Person in charge (Interviewers)

Or, grab one for free with AppAlloy Applicant tracking software.

About AppAlloy Applicant tracking software

About AppAlloy Applicant tracking software

You can either: 

  1. Grab a ready-made AppAlloy Applicant tracking software template for free, we don’t charge any fee for your first app
  2. Or, create your own ATS app with AppAlloy

When using AppAlloy Applicant tracking software, you can tweak the form anytime needed!

After publishing your app, simply send the application link to your candidate lists, or embed the link to any of your posts on LinkedIn or any other recruitment socials.

After that the application process is open! Apply and track your progress anytime, anywhere – on desktop or mobile.

Or, learn to create an applicant tracking application, based on your existing Google Sheet with AppAlloy

Frequently asked questions

What is AppAlloy template?

AppAlloy template supports app owners to create applications faster with premade theme. A standard template should include interfaces, demo data source and automated workflow.

What types of templates are available with AppAlloy?

The templates are here for different purposes, including: CRM & Sales, Inventory management, project management, people management and service and hospitality…

How to use the AppAlloy template?

From the template page, copy the app template back to personal account, then the app should be automatically set up. You can publish this template for real-life uses straightaway