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Food Ordering Apps

Food ordering apps streamline the ordering process by allowing customers to place orders directly.

What is a food ordering app?

The food ordering app is a simple widget which streamlines the process for both you (as the order person, the HR managers) and your colleagues.  Say goodbye to:

  1. Manual Order Taking, to walk table-to-table, saving time and effort.
  2. Order Confusion: No more deciphering long text threads with multiple orders.
  3. Errors and Delays: Reduce the risk of order mistakes and delays with a simple online widget

Benefits of having a food ordering app

In busy offices of all sizes, HR departments often manage brunch orders. This can be time-consuming, as the HR staff would have to collect individual requests by asking each employee one by one. Grabbing a large order during a busy time is of course stressful and inefficient.

Planning brunch for a group of 5-10 friends is kind of a hassle, as nobody wants to be the one stuck collecting everyone's brunch choices, especially on a weekend.

So, are you tired of the same old routine of collecting brunch orders from friends, family, or colleagues? Check out AppAlloy, the no-code mobile app builder that eases the pain of manual work, by creating a simple but powerful food ordering app, works with any type of community!

Benefits of a food ordering app

Benefits of a food ordering app

AppAlloy food ordering app is simple and fast enough, as the in-charge person need no more than 10 minutes to create a simple order link, ready to be sent to everyone!

Everyone then can submit their orders quickly and conveniently through this quick mobile app. They can choose the foods or drinks they want, without any confusion or misunderstanding.

AppAlloy powerful food order app is perfect for any group; which’s great for weekend brunches, office lunches, or any gathering where beverage is involved.

How a food ordering app works

The food ordering app steps:

  1. Create a food menu: The organizer can create a simple dropdown list with all the beverage choices
  2. Input fields for people to write their name down, also a small description box for them to input their specific requirements 
  3. Publish the app, send the link to the group, as then they can learn the menu, select items, and order the right foods.
  4. The organizer can easily send them all to the restaurant in one go, as the restaurant can calculate the total bill accurately, eliminating the need for manual calculations on your end. If your group chooses to split the bill, the clear breakdown from the restaurant made dividing the cost a breeze.
  5. Collect food order: after the mobile notification, the main user can send all these orders to the restaurant for them to make payment calculations. With this advantage, the group can divide the money easier (if they choose to split) with a clear amount to pay. 
  6. Wait for the delivery. The app data can be saved for next time uses or review!

Setting up a food ordering app

Check out few must-have features for your food ordering app:

  • Foods and Drink Menu
  • Person name
  • Special requirement by description box 
  • Push notifications (For the service organizer)

About AppAlloy food ordering app

  1. Grab a ready-made AppAlloy food ordering app for free, no fee's charged with the first app
  2. Or, create your own food ordering app (which’s super simple!)

With the AppAlloy template, you still can tweak the criterias to fit with your group needs!

AppAlloy food ordering app allows a group (no matter of size) to gather orders anytime from their mobile phone, which’s super easy for the organizer to gather all the requests, without having to save on a Google Sheet; alternatively, the organizers can use AppAlloy native table for more flexibility and control over their app!

Frequently asked questions

What is AppAlloy template?

AppAlloy templates provide pre-built frameworks to accelerate app development. These templates include essential components like user interfaces, sample data, and workflow structures.

Is the AppAlloy template free?

Yes, for both commercial and non-commercial use.

Are template copyright free?

Templates are properties of AppAlloy, you should only use the templates within AppAlloy applications.