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Real Estate App

A real estate leads app helps real estate agents generate and manage leads, to increase conversion rates and customer interaction into their properties network.

A real estate leads app is a mobile application designed to help real estate agents generate and manage leads.

Key Features

The real estate leads app normally include features: 

  • Lead capture: Tools for capturing leads from various sources, such as online forms, social media, and referrals.
  • Lead management: Organizing and tracking leads throughout the sales pipeline.
  • Connecting to a CRM integration
  • Marketing tools: to send marketing materials via emails, also to manage social media.
  • Analytics: Tracking key metrics and analyzing lead performance.

Real Estate App

Benefits of a real estate leads app

  • Increased efficiency: Streamline lead management processes and save time.
  • Improved organization: Keep track of leads and their progress in a centralized location.
  • Better communication: Communicate effectively with leads and clients.
  • Enhanced productivity: Focus on high-value activities and close more deals.
  • Data-driven insights: Gain valuable insights into lead behavior and performance.

AppAlloy App Structure

To maximize engagement between app owners and users, a real estate app should include only three data tables

  1. Properties: with full details about the property, including: avenue, address, type, number of floors, acreage(m2) and pricing.
  2. Customer information and lead status.
  3. Salesman and team member contact information.

Frequently asked questions

What is AppAlloy?

AppAlloy is a no-code platform, which provides visual interface and pre-built components to streamline the app development process.