What is No Code Development? Key features and applications | 2024 Reveals

No-code development empowers businesses to create digital solutions without the wait, to bridge the gaps between needs and reality. Tips to reveal in 2024

Quynh Anh
Quynh AnhSEO Expert

What is No Code Development? The no code development revolution is empowering businesses to bridge the gap between their needs and digital solutions.

By offering intuitive tools that bypass traditional coding, no-code platforms are making app creation accessible to everyone.

This democratization of development fosters a future where businesses, regardless of technical expertise, can tailor applications to their specific needs and unlock new levels of efficiency and growth.

Learn what is no code development, pros and cons, their audience and how to apply no-code in real-life scenarios!

What is no code development?

No code development is the way to create an application without any knowledge of coding or familiarity with programming languages.

This is actually an upcoming self-service trend. This type of software helps entrepreneurs to create, optimize and manage their app in their free time, which helps work efficiency, but also minimize the costs of maintenance.

Top 27+ No Code Platforms Pricing (Updated in 2024)


No-code apps


Starting monthly plan ($, Per user)



Website builder - Marketing




Website builder - Marketing




Website builder - Marketing



Carrd (Annual billed)

Website builder - Marketing




Web apps platform




Web apps platform




Web apps platform




Mobile App Builder




Mobile App Builder




Mobile App Builder




Mobile App Builder












Automation tool




Automation tool




Automation tool



Google AppSheet

Internal tools




Internal tools




Internal tools




Internal tools



Pay Pal


Based on invoice




Based on invoice




Based on invoice




Based on invoice













Top 27+ No Code Platforms Pricing (Updated in 2024)

No-code App Workflow

Grasp these 3 workflow steps, to design, automate and test, to unlock the magic of any no-code app!

#1. Migrate the database

To get started, demo data should be generated. It’s best that you spend time and efforts to clean your data, to connect with a no-app tool easier later on.

Most systems need a cleaned, pre-configured database, but in some scenarios, for example, creating a form app, you can build it from scratch, or templates available on no-app providers. 

#2. Organize layouts

After the data is configured and linked with each other logically, you can start looking at the layout and how you want your app to look! Most no-code software provide a user interface builder, to help entrepreneurs organize their layouts and logics faster, with simple but effective features like drag-and-drop, defined UI options or synced keyboard gesture… all to help the app designers to decide how the app is gonna look later on! 

For low-code and hard-code development, a user interface builder offers the most effective way to review visually modeled prototypes – a critical step in the development process.

#3. Integrate with others

The game-changer in no code development is integration. By connecting your app to various platforms, you can craft a truly comprehensive product.

Now you can build a no-code website that seamlessly integrates with a business inventory system, a chat app, email marketing platform, a payment gateway, and of course a CRM. This creates a unified experience for users, allowing them to connect with your staff for swift and efficient support!

Why No-code?

No-code App Workflow
No-code App Workflow

The rise of no code development platforms has taken things to a whole new level. These platforms empower businesses to solve internal problems across various departments – from human resources, marketing to operations. Essentially, any department can leverage the power of no-code to simplise their working processes.

Anyone can be a no-code programmer, even corporate employees, to become citizen developers. This means anyone can leverage no-code tools to solve communication challenges they encounter daily or simply turn their creative ideas into functional apps!

It’s easy with minimal trainings

No code development stays true to its name. Forget complex coding! Instead, you now can build your product using a visual interface, written in simple English.

Recognizing that some users might find technologies problematic, no code development providers also offer extensive support, including help centers and online education websites, with documents like videos or step-by-step guides, all in baby language!

Simple working process

The beauty of a no-code online platform is that it fosters a truly collaborative development process. Everyone can contribute to creating and maintaining the product's quality. Imagine a shared online workspace where everyone has access to the same working dashboard.

As the owner, you can easily track progress and revision history. No more paperwork, face-to-face meetings or monthly reports – everything is transparent, visualized, and instantly trackable.

No-code is for everyone!

No code development is a perfect fit especially for entrepreneurs and SMEs, and the no code application process can be built by collaborative process. 

Small businesses and startups, especially those without dedicated development teams, are turning to no code development. No code development helps them to overcome the hurdles of building a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) by avoiding traditional software development methods. This solution is cost effective, which is crucial for businesses with limited budgets.

It’s testable and open for optimization

The main reason why no code development is uptrending is straightforward and simple! There are many types of no-code developed services out there, as it enables non-technical users to build and integrate their own data with the right tool.

Therefore, the users can secure their data, flexibility with ease to handle the application to others-in-charge. 

It’s cheap with no commitment

Cost competitiveness is a major draw for entrepreneurs turning to no-code solutions. Forget expensive development teams, or server infrastructure!

No-code platforms allow owners to build and manage apps with surprising ease. Imagine developing and monitoring new apps in a fraction of the time and cost compared to traditional methods.

Business owners can now focus on their core competencies and crafting their brand vision for the platform. With no-code functionalities, the power to build and manage applications is placed directly in their hands.


There is no communication needed in the early stage of the development process for a no-code approach!

Sitting in a room alone, you can now visualize your business ideas on an online platform, then easily share the prototypes with partners, investors and staff for feedback and further development. This fosters real-time collaboration, even if you’re working from home!

No-code bridges the gap, as the business owners rapidly see and improve the prototypes, while developers provide targeted expertise for that final product.

12 purposes of using no-code apps

Internal purposes

Internal tool apps, in other word, back-office apps, are the solution for businesses to manage their daily operation, based on needs of different departments!

Managers normally use key performance indicators (KPIs) and OKRs, to define the workflow and how they want departments to work together! Check out few examples as below:

For Daily Operations

  1. Daily Operation and Fields Management apps, which let workers access back-office materials from the field.

  2. Workflow management app (aka Project management tools), to make sure that employees acknowledge completion of a task.

  3. Business process automation functions, to approve documents involving multiple parties.

  4. Order management, supply chain management apps for manufacturers

For HR Managers: People management apps, to perform human resources functions, including self-service, clock in clock out, office automation, calendaring and scheduling, employee directories, shift management, new employee onboarding, or to send benefits requests.

For Marketing

  1. Marketing automation tools with different types of apps for creative agencies, like: Landing page builder, website builder, photo creator apps or report-tracking apps. 

  2. No-code apps for social media tools for social media management, including scheduling posts and analyzing engagement metrics.

For Sale teams: Customer relationship management (CRM) systems, which connect with inventory management apps

For Books and Sale teams: Invoicing, purchase order tracking

External purposes

These below external apps, tailored to communicate with other parties, like stakeholders, customers and specific industries in different industries: event management, hospitality, and retails:

  1. Hospitals and cares: Appointment scheduling, patient record management, and billing and payment processing.

  2. Hospitality and service management: restaurant reservations, ticket boxes and luxury stay management

  3. eCommerce and shipping management: to sell products on websites and apps

Learn more:  Difference between no code and low code 

4 types of no-code apps

Fueled by no code development, five distinct categories emerge, to serve specific purposes like stakeholder engagement or industry-specific needs.

Device-based apps

To ensure accessibility and seamless navigation across devices, the development teams now create apps optimized for laptops, PCs, various mobile operating systems (iOS, Android), and tablets, keeping all your data logged and centralized.

Web-based application

Mobile apps came later, as traditionally software existed primarily for desktops. These web-based applications offered a wide range of functionality, including website creation tools, interactive features, contact forms, e-commerce capabilities, and integration with other SaaS services.

Data management tools 

No code development empowers anyone to create and manage databases for data analysis and management, fostering applications like customer relationship management (CRM) systems, virtual project management tools, and centralized business data hubs.

Workflow automation tools 

No-code automation platforms streamline business by automating workflows, including tasks like office space management, invoicing, and payment processing.

The potential applications built with no-code platforms are boundless, limited only by your creativity and the platform's capabilities.

12 purposes of using no-code apps
12 purposes of using no-code apps

Cons of no-code programming

It’s not transferable!

Most no-code apps let you extract uploaded data, transferring data with the same settings seamlessly between similar apps can be challenging. Switching platforms often requires rebuilding settings, as no-code apps, despite similar purposes, can have unique configurations.

While free plans are great for testing, switching to a paid plan might be difficult due to limited data transfer capabilities and the lack of standardization between no-code platforms.

Therefore, users should consider trying the free tier first to ensure the service meets your needs before committing to a more expensive plan.

It could be very complicated!

no code development, while user-friendly, can still present challenges for non-technical users like HR, logistics, or legal staff. Managers should look for no code development teams who offers training and documentation to ensure your internal staff can comfortably use the new software after completion of the set-up contract.

It’s hard for optimisation

While no-code offers a simpler user experience compared to low-code, it comes at the cost of reduced customization. This limits the ability to tailor features to specific business needs.

To make an informed decision, thoroughly explore the free plan capabilities. This will help the managers determine if upgrading aligns with business needs and of course budget fits.

Flexible in editing UI elements

For external-facing apps, a stellar user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are crucial to increase conversions. Many no-code platforms integrate with UI element services, giving the users vast toolboxes to create an engaging and intuitive user experience.

Drag-and-drop interface

Drag-and-drop interface is the best way for business users to write their apps and visualize it, to take a critical look at their app before publishing it! Drag and drop elements are known as the best way to complete the work efficiently.

Common functionalities provided by the Drag-and-drop interface:

  • A visualized workflow, to overview the logic and structure of the app, also, it’s easier to edit! With a visualized workflow, users can start with website or mobile app versions!

  • Templated components, including tables, buttons, forms, images, boxes, all must-have elements in any type of websites or software applications.

  • Lots of deployment/ testing options, to activate the apps on any type of platforms, including websites or mobile devices.

Uptrending-AI Intelligence

The integration of AI is a growing trend in the no-code industry. This not only simplifies learning and using no-code platforms, but also acts as a helpful guide for new users getting started with building or using their first no-code apps.

Tips to build a No-code app

You gonna need clean-data

Don't underestimate data cleaning! Though time-consuming, it's crucial for understanding your historical data and visualizing how it will function within your no-code app.

Check out few steps below you must take to clean and organize your data before importing to the online dashboard:

  1. Define the ‘dimension’ and ‘metrics’ of your app

  2. Organize your dimensions

  3. Grab some metrics for your dimensions

  4. Clean your data (clean texts/ numbers without unique symbols)

  5. Correct cell formats for different columns/ rows

Workflows could be a challenge

Once you've imported your defined data table, start your workflow by using a representative sample of that data (could be by pen and paper), to define how your app will interact with users and customers. Then, input to the dashboard and customize it based on specific needs.

Building an app could take up 3-4 days straight!

Building an app can take months, especially if your data isn’t well-organized. You should invest at least 3-4 weeks upfront to structure your logic and data. This streamlined approach will save time in the long run and ensure a smooth testing and deployment phase.

Training people to use your no-code app is not that easy!

No-code's accessibility allows anyone to become a developer. However, working with teammates who lack basic technical skills is still challenging. To ensure a smooth transition, provide clear documentation, instructional videos, and proper training before project initiation.

No-code App Workflow

Image source: Canva


What is the meaning of no code development?
No-code development allows business owners and professionals to create applications without writing traditional code. No-code apps normally include visual interfaces and pre-built components with automated workflows.
Is no-code the future?
No-code and low-code platforms are revolutionizing software development. By empowering citizen developers, these platforms democratize app creation, enabling businesses to build solutions faster and more efficiently, which drives innovation and agility across industries.

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