Task Management Tools | 10+ Todoist Alternatives | Features and Pricing

Todoist is the answer to organization and productivity. Reveal features of task management tools, with top 10+ Todoist alternatives, to make life less stressful.

Quynh Anh
Quynh AnhSEO Expert

About Todoist

When was Todoist found?


Who is the founder of Todoist?

Amir Salihefendić

What are Todoist categories?

Task Management Software, Project Management Software and Project Collaboration Software

Is Todoist no code or low code?


Check out Todoist review now!

What is Todoist?

Feeling overwhelmed by daily tasks? Todoist is your answer to personal organization and productivity. This powerful app goes beyond a simple to-do list by these 3 main features as below: 

  • Effortlessly capture tasks: to add tasks, set deadlines, and receive reminders.
  • Visualize your workflow: Choose the suitable view, whether it's calendar, list, and board.
  • Organize for easy-access: Separation of work and personal tasks is crucial with clear categories, make sure your personal app is easy to maintain, purposely for a healthy work-life balance.
What is Todoist?
What is Todoist?

Todoist is trusted by over 42 million people, as this brand is already well-known as the best application to simplify task management for both individuals and teams globally.

Is Todoist task management or project management app?

Below are the key differences between task management and project management


Task Management

Project Management

Target Audience


Teams with different sizes

How it works

Focuses on individual tasks, as the task management tool often takes care of a daily routine schedule, to-do list or work checklists

Focus on goals to encourage teamwork, from planning and initiation to execution, monitoring, and closure. Project tracker tools normally involve different work layers, roles, to  manage multiple tasks, monitor resources and deadlines.


Typically involves smaller, well-defined tasks that can be completed independently or in a short timeframe.

Much more complẽ and dependency between tasks. As project managers care more on planning, resource allocation, and risk management.


Often uses simple tools like to-do list apps, calendars, or reminders to track and manage tasks.

Need comprehensive software with features like task breakdown, Gantt charts, resource allocation tools, and collaboration features


May involve collaboration on specific tasks, but often focuses on individual work.

Strong collaboration and communication between members to ensure all tasks contribute to the project's big goals.


Tasks like painting a room, installing a window, or mowing the lawn.

Process of planning, building, and finishing on time and within budget. As the process normally involves managing all tasks, materials, and workers to achieve a goal.

Therefore it could be said that: 

  1. Task management tool focuses on individual tasks,about getting things done efficiently on a small scaled level.

  2. Project management tools oversee the entire process of achieving a complex goal, involving multiple tasks and resources.

So yes, Todoist is a task management tool, rather than a project management software. 

Learn more: Top 18+ project tracking tools you could find in 2024

Todoist price comparison




Free plan available?



$5/ user/ month




$6/ user/ month


Microsoft To Do



Free with personal MS Account

Remember The Milk


$49.99 per year




$3.99/ month




$9.99/ month


Super Productivity



Yes, hybrid-code app



$4.99/ month





Yes, hybrid-code app



9EUR/ month




$2.99/ user/ month


Check out 10+ Todoist Alternatives in 2024 as below with price comparison 

Top 9 features all task management apps should have

Generally, task management apps offer a range of functionalities which help individuals to organize, track, and complete tasks efficiently. They also can sync their personal checklists with team workflows later on, to ensure that everyone is heading in the same working direction!

Therefore, a personal to-do-list app should be able to perform with basic features as below:

Task Creation and Management

Basic task management should include adding tasks, due date and priorities available, task lists and project list available with sub tasks. By this way, people can break their task even smaller, to make the work less stressful with an easier-to-track progress.

File sharing is vital, so people can share their resources to relevant personnels. Attach relevant files can be documents, images or videos, to make sure that the information is well-spread within teams!

Planning and Scheduling

Calendar sync, recurring task reveals with estimated timeframe field is essential, to help individuals to plan their tasks better!

Collaboration and Communication

Users should be able to share their tasks and assignments, allow to leave comments in discussion, to provide more updates and feedback towards tasks. Therefore, people can also ask questions and collaborate effectively within task comment boxes.

Progress Tracking and Monitoring

People should be able to track their tasks well, can turn on reminders and notifications, to make sure that they are on top of their deadlines. 

The tracking process should have at least 3 statuses: To do, In Progress and Done.

Top 9 features all task management apps should have
Top 9 features all task management apps should have

Other important features

  1. Search and Filter to find task faster by keywords. 
  2. Tags and Labels to categorize tasks better, for further organization and searchability.
  3. Mobile apps are required, especially with to-do-list apps, so people can access and manage tasks anywhere, can be on smartphones or tablets for more convenience.
  4. Offline Access, to handle and sync your offline tasks once the Internet’s available again.
  5. Integrations help to connect your task management app with other tools, for examples email, calendar, or project management software.

Nuclino | Most Similar Todoist Alternative

Compared with Todoist as the task management app focusing on individual and team task management, Nuclino, on the other hand, focused on creating a collaborative knowledge base for teams!

There are three key differences between Nuclino and Todoist:

  • Todoist has greater task management strength, with better flexibility and control over basic task functionalities within documents.
  • Nuclino focuses on creating a knowledge base, which allows teams to document processes and centralize resources.
  • Real-time collaboration is another Nuclino’s strength, which’s enabled team to edit documents simultaneously.

Check out Nuclino pricing today!

  • Nuclino free plan includes 50 items, up to 3 canvases and 2GB storage 
  • Nuclino standard plan starts at $6 per user per month, is designed for teams and businesses making documentation.
  • Nuclino premium plan starts at $12 per user per month is designed for larger, which’s great for collaboration!

Microsoft To Do

Both Todoist and Microsoft To Do fall in task management apps categories, they’re also targeting similar target audiences. However, Todoist focuses on task management for individuals and teams, with priorities to organize, prioritize and complete tasks.

Microsoft To Do is much simpler with easy-to-use UI and less-hierarchy task organization. MS To do helps users to manage personal to-do lists, set reminders, and generally take great care of their daily tasks.

The key difference here is that Microsoft To Do is free and designed specifically for MS users, therefore the collaboration is limited within organizations. Todoist can therefore have integration power, to connect with many other mobile applications.

Microsoft To Do
Microsoft To Do

Remember The Milk

It can be said that Remember the Milk (RTM) offers more complex functionalities when compared to Todoist! RTM app offer very powerful filtering, therefore to produce smart lists, which helps users to categorize and search tasks easier. 

Furthermore, the RTM app also offers a location-based reminder with a structure, for example: Remind me to pick up milk when I am at … store today! This reminder can be sent to the user mobile, to make sure that they’re alerted of what must be done within that location or time frame!

RTM app has a much more complex UI, with features of recurring task options, to help people to really stay on top of their working checklist. 

Todoist, on the other hand, is powerful in terms of integration and ease-to-use.

Remember the Milk pricing is at $49.99 per year, with a free plan available!


TickTick is a productivity app specifically designed to organize work and personal tasks, focusing on simplicity. TickTick has a very simpler Interface, as it’s designed for quick task management.

TickTick also has important features, including:

  • Habit Tracker, to monitor and build routines.
  • Task Prioritization
  • Task breakdowns with subtasks
  • Customizable Themes
  • Focus Mode
  • Smart Lists
  • Integrations
  • Mobile Apps, work with both Android and IOS. 
  • Less powerful Natural Language Processing compared to Todoist. 

TickTick also provides a slightly cheaper option with a good freemium plan.


Things is a beautiful and intuitive app designed for individual task management, with the mobile application only available for MacOS and IOS users. 

Things prioritizes simplicity and a clean interface, making it easy to focus on what matters most. Users can also work with Things offline.

Things is a paid alternative to Todoist, as Todoist still offers trial and free plan.

Todoist provides options and flexibility to users to organize tasks better with labels, filters, and multiple project views, while Things focuses on a simpler approach with tags and areas.

In conclusion, Todoist provides a feature-rich experience with more organization options, while Things offers a beautiful and user-friendly interface for a streamlined workflow.

Super Productivity | Open-source Todoist alternatives

Super Productivity is an open-source alternative, which helps users to build their own to-do-list app, which is suitable with their specific needs!

Super Productivity is free, well-known for high levels of flexibility, as Super Productivity helps power users to comfortably build their to-do app with a technical approach.

Super Productivity has a very simple Interface, as it offers basic task management features with a clean UI. However, please keep in mind that they are limited in collaboration and integration, with relatively basic mobile apps compared to Todoist, as users are going to need more configuration to use Super Productivity productively!


Workflowy is a true to-do-list app for individuals, as it promotes spaces to capture ideas and brainstorm. Their powerful functionality is priority on connecting and expanding on related tasks. However, they’re quite limited in collaboration features. 

Workflowy offers more flexible, outline-based approach, as tasks are now organized hierarchically in a bulleted list format, as it’s easier for expansion and connection of ideas.

Since Workflowy focuses solely on brainstorming, idea capture, fluid project management, this tool is one of the essential options for designers and creative thinkers.


Tasks.org | Open-source Todoist alternatives

Similar with Super Productivity, tasks.org is a free and open-source task management application, focusing on user privacy, customization, and flexibility. Tasks.org is lightweight and no-frills approach.

Tasks.org is highly flexible, allows extensive customization of task views, workflows, and themes through code. Therefore, users should at least be low-code programmers, as it requires technical knowledge.

Task.org is also open-Source, which fosters a community-driven development model, therefore, it’s quite easy to connect them with other productivity tools.

Tasks.org is a free tasks management application, with open-source code available for developers to re-use. There’s no ads or extra cost to use the core Tasks.org app.

Planify | Open-source Todoist alternatives

Planify is also an open-source application for Linux desktop. Please keep in mind that Planify isn’t a standalone task management app, as it connects to Todoist account to display and manage your tasks within the Planify interface.

Planify however offers additional features on top of Todoist key features, for examples: direct task positioning within lists and a pinboard for quick access to important tasks.

Therefore, users should have little knowledge of code and programming languages to set up and configure.

Planify | Open-source Todoist alternatives
Planify | Open-source Todoist alternatives


Any.do is a true mobile task management app for individuals, which is designed for daily productivity and focusing simplicity with a culture of getting things done quickly.

Two key features of Any.do may include:

  • Location-Based Reminders and moment-Based Reminders, for examples: Take out the trash at 8 pm.

  • Quick Entry, which allows fast task creation, by using voice commands or text shortcuts.

Create your own to-do app

Hope that the above information is helpful enough for you to choose the right task management app for both individual and business needs!

Forget coding! Now you can create your own to-do-list app with AppAlloy, since AppAlloy is a no-code AI-powered mobile app.  You now can build your own checklist app within hours, without any requirement of programming knowledge!

Appalloy Air on Mobile
Appalloy Air on Mobile


What is Todoist used for?
Todoist is a popular choice for both personal tasks and complex projects management, as it's super easy to use with friendly interface and robust features.
Is Todoist completely free?
Todoist is free with premium plan available. Todoist's free plan allows users to have five active projects, while the Pro plan expands this limit to 300, to create hierarchical project structures.
What are premium features of Todoist?
Large project limits, advanced filters and views, task reminders and durations, task labels and priorities, allow users to leave comments and attachments, allow file uploads, recurring tasks automation with priority supports.

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